
Why I Created This Blog

We, people of present decade, are greatly in need of an effective guide to light. We are groping. We see only problems everywhere and no solutions are to be found anywhere. We don’t know which way to turn, what course to adopt and how to move towards a better state of things. Therefore, our life is filled with restlessness, unhappiness and complication.

Millenniums have passed. Great personalities have stepped in this earth leaving their footsteps behind. Krishna, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, to name a few, whom we consider embodiment of Supreme God. They have descended to earth not to live their personal life, but to teach the people the solution to end their sufferings (that have arisen due to ignorance), to pass on some message, or to accomplish some task through the beholder, in the style of a playful drama (which is also called leela in Hinduism). Their teachings are all recorded or written in the form of scripture, or are being remembered or revised in the form of Smriti by great Sages from time to time. Grasping of even a single instruction with honest heart and full faith can help us to cross the ocean of sins, and take us one step further to the state of liberation (release from the bondage of worldly existence).

We, being in Kali Yuga, think that the present life is the only life we will live. Only the scriptures teach us the true knowledge that we live according to our Karma (action). We all are sinners at the time of our birth, and become virtuous only by performing right action while we are still living. If we fail to do so, then we die being a sinner. The life that comes next, is even more troublesome than previous one. Virtuous action leads to a happier life whereas sinful action leads to a miserable life. Liberation is not possible unless all the sins are balanced by equal amount of virtue, because, the nature always remains in balanced state.

But what is a virtue? Which path gives us better life and liberation? The answer is simple. Truth is one, paths are many. There is no such single path that leads to a better life (or finally liberation). The path of yoga and meditation, the path of wisdom, and the path of selfless service, all these helps to increase our consciousness and are equally valuable. True meditation can be achieved only by being detached from this materialistic world and enjoying in the blissful Atman (self) that is within, wisdom can be achieved by studying the scriptures or following the instructions of an illumined teacher (Guru), selfless service can be done by helping the needed people without expecting anything as a reward, and many other paths are there such as being devoted to God by studying deeds and glories of God, doing Bhaktis, chanting Mantras, and so on. Following atleast one of these paths sincerely is enough for crossing this miserable world.

All the incarnations are from the same God, all the religions take us to the same God, and therefore I respect all religions and their corresponding deities. But, since I was born in Hinduism society, I love Hinduism religion more than anything. Also, everything I have learnt till now is from Hinduism Scriptures, my family, and Hindu Gurus only. And I don’t know much about other religions. So I love my religion and respect other religions, as I love my family and respect my relatives. This is the reason I have made this blog regarding Hinduism alone.

There may be many people who want to know about Hindu Gods, their divine plays, their glories, deeds, and teachings, but are not able to study them due to various reasons. The teachings of sacred scriptures may not be available everywhere, or people may find it difficult to afford individual scriptures and books related to the glories of God. Also no website till now provides the facility of studying the original Sanskrit verses along with their meaning, organized in distinct and clearer way for the readers. So, in order to help people to some extent, I have started writing this blog. I may not be able to include the detail information on anything, but I will try my best to not miss the main point. The rest depends upon the understanding and research of the users.

Most of these contents are typed manually using the help of old sacred books (available in my home). Also, information from other sites have been used as the reference. I have focused mainly on divine teachings, prayers and Stotras, while giving only brief details on other subject matters.

The contents of this blog not only help those desirous people and myself, but also helps to preserve the valuable words of scriptures, and teachings of enlightened Gurus, forever, at least in this blog.

This blog is created as a self interest for the welfare of every Hindus, or anyone interested, including myself for learning purposes. So copying or replicating the contents of this blog with the motive of earning is strictly prohibited.

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