Shri Rama Stuti

Shri Rama Stuti: Mantra with Meaning

Shri Rama Stuti is a praise of Lord Rama composed by Goswami Tulsidas. It was written in the sixteenth century, in a mix of Sanskrit and Awadhi languages. The prayer glorifies Shri Rama and His characteristics to the best.

Composed By: Goswami Tulsidas

Shri Rama Stuti

Lord Rama and Mother Sita

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it

॥ श्री राम स्तुति ॥

श्री रामचन्द्र कृपालु भजुमन हरण भव भय दारुणम् ।
नवकंज लोचन कंज मुखकर कंज पद कंजारुणम् ॥१॥

O mind! Sing the glory of compassionate Rama Who destroys the greatest fear of birth and death, Whose eyes resembles newly bloomed lotus, and Whose mouth, hands and feet are like crimson hued lotus.

कंदर्प अगणित अमित छवि नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम् ।
पटपीत मानहुं तड़ित रुचि-शुचि नौमि जनक सुतावरम् ॥२॥

One Whose splendor exceeds innumerable cupids, Who is as beautiful as newly formed blue clouds, Whose body lusters like a lightning in His yellow garments; to Him Who is the consort of the daughter of King Janaka, my obeisance.

भजु दीन बंधु दिनेश दानव दैत्य वंश निकंदनम् ।
रघुनंद आनंद कंद कौशल चंद दशरथ नन्दनम् ॥३॥

I sing the praise of Shri Rama Who is the friend of the poor, Who is the destroyer of demons’ dynasties, Who is the son of Raghu dynasty, and Who is the root of happiness, the delight of Kausalas (His mother’s dynasty), and the son of Dasharatha.

सिर मुकुट कुंडल तिलक चारु उदारु अङ्ग विभूषणम् ।
आजानु-भुज शर चाप-धर संग्राम-जित-खर धूषणम् ॥४॥

One Who shines with a crown on His head, earrings on His ears and a mark on his forehead (tilaka), Whose limbs are beautiful and well decorated with ornaments, Who has long hands reaching His knees, Who holds a bow and an arrow; to Him Who was victorious in the battle played with the demons Khara and Dhushana, my deep obeisance.

इति वदति तुलसीदास शंकर शेष मुनि मन-रंजनम् ।
मम हृदय-कंज निवास कुरु कामादि खल-दल गंजनम् ॥५॥

Thus says Tulsidas – O Shri Rama, the pleaser of the minds of Shankara and Adhshesha, please dwell in the lotus of my heart, and destroy all evils and their associates like desires.


मनु जाहिं राचेऊ मिलिहि सो बरु सहज सुन्दर साँवरो ।
करुणा निधान सुजान सीलु सनेहू जानत रावरो ॥६॥

Goddess Parvati said to Mother Sita, “what you have loved from your heart, that blue hued and naturally handsome Lord (Shri Rama) will definitely be yours. He is the ocean of grace and omniscient. He knows your character and love.”

एहि भाँति गौरी असीस सुनि सिय सहित हिय हरषी अली।
तुलसी भवानीः पूजि पुनि-पुनि मुदित मन मंदिर चली ॥७॥

Mother Sita and all Her friends were delighted to hear the blessing from Mother Gauri. Thus says Tulsidas – after worshipping Goddess Parvati again and again, Mother Sita united with Lord Rama and returned home with cheerful mind.


जानी गौरी अनुकूल सिय हिय हरषु न जाए कहीं ।।
मंजूल मंगल मूल वाम अंग फरकन लगे।

Knowing Goddess Parvati to be in Her favor, there was no end of happiness in the heart of Sita. Flutter in Her left organs indicated Her auspicious and blessed time ahead.

You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one. For easy reading, dash sign (-) is placed in the middle of texts, leaving space as it is. If you want the original format, just remove dash sign from all the verses.


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