Shiva Tandava Stotram

Shiva Tandava Stotram: Mantra with Meaning

Shiva Tandava Stotram is a stotra that describes God Shiva's power and beauty. It is traditionally attributed to Ravana, the Rakshasa (demon) king of Lanka and devotee of Lord Shiva. The stotra has been written so beautifully that it has 16 quatrains (1 quatrain is equal to four lines) in total, and each line contains 16 syllabus (i.e. 16 full letters).

Lord Shiva is the king of all dancers. He is an expert in Tandava style of dancing, a vigorous manly style of dancing. Tandava symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, as well as the daily rhythm of birth and death.

A compelling and complex personality, Ravana is for many Hindus a legendary hero, a scholar of immense intelligence. His great-grandfather was Brahma (God of Ultimate Knowledge). Ravana had advanced knowledge of mathematics, science and Ayurveda. He was obsessed with his powers and was egoistic, and to display and prove his powers he was about to move Mount Kailash (the abode of Shiva who was his ancestor God). He managed to lift the mountain but Lord Shiva immediately placed it back just by pressing his toe crushing Ravana's fingers in the process. Ravana let out a huge roar of pain (this is when Lord Shiva named him "Ravana" (the one who roars loud); before, he used to be known as Dashagriva or Dashanan), but at the same time, he was so enamored by the Shiva's power that he composed the "Shiva Tandav Stotram". It is believed that Ravana plucked out nerves from his own hand to provide accompanying music. Because of the intensity of his prayers and ascetic meditation, of which this hymn was an example, Lord Shiva was highly impressed, and thus spared and blessed him with Chandrahas (moon sword) considered one of the most powerful weapons in Vedic history.

Composed By: Shri Ravana

Shiva Tandava Stotram

Shiva in the dance of Tandava

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it. Verses 14 and 15 are not in the audio.

॥ शिव-ताण्डव-स्तोत्रम् ॥

॥ सार्थ शिव-ताण्डव स्तोत्रम् ॥
॥ श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥

Here starts glorious Shiva Tandava Stotram.
Salutations to Lord Ganesha.

गलेऽवलम्ब्य लम्बितां भुजङ्ग-तुङ्ग-मालिकाम् |
चकार चण्ड-ताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवः शिवम् ||१||

Gale-avalambya Lambitām Bhujanga-tunga-mālikām |
Chakāra Chanda-tāndavam Tanotu Nah Shivah Shivam ||1||

From the thick forest of matted locks of hair, water flows and consecrate His neck, on which hangs the lofty snake like a garland,
And the Damaru drum making the sound of Damat Damat Damat Damat, Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava, and may He shower prosperity on us all.

विलोल-वीचि-वल्लरी-विराजमान-मूर्धनि |
किशोर-चन्द्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं मम ||२||

Vilola-vīchi-vallarī-virājamāna-mūrdhani |
Kishora-chandra-shekhare Ratih Pratikshanam Mama ||2||

He Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial river Ganga agitating in the deep well of His hair-locks,
And Whose forehead is shining Dhagad Dhagad Dhagad like a brilliant fire, and Who has the crescent moon as a jewel on His head; this form of Lord Shiva makes me love Him each and every second.

स्फुरद्-दिगन्त-सन्तति-प्रमोदमान-मानसे |
क्वचिद्-दिगम्बरे मनो विनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ||३||

Sphurad-diganta-santati-pramodamāna-mānase |
Kvachid-digambare Mano Vinodametu Vastuni ||3||

May my mind seek happiness in Lord Shiva, in Whom all the living beings of the glorious Universe exists, Who is the sportive companion of Parvati (daughter of mountain king),
Who controls invincible hardships with the flow of His compassionate look, and Who is all-pervasive.

कदम्ब-कुङ्कुम-द्रव-प्रलिप्त-दिग्वधू-मुखे |
मनो विनोदमद्‍भुतं बिभर्तु भूत-भर्तरि ||४||

Kadamba-kunkuma-drava-pralipta-digvadhū-mukhe |
Mano Vinodam-adbhutam Bibhartu Bhūta-bhartari ||4||

May I seek wonderful pleasure in Lord Shiva, Who is the supporter of all life, Who is with His creeping snake with the shining lustrous gem on its reddish brown hood-
Spreading out variegated colors on the beautiful faces of the maidens of directions, and Who is covered with a glittering upper garment made of the skin of a huge intoxicated elephant.

प्रसून-धूलि-धोरणी विधूसराङ्घ्रि-पीठभूः |
भुजङ्ग-राज-मालया निबद्ध-जाट-जूटक
श्रियै चिराय जायतां चकोर-बन्धु-शेखरः ||५||

Prasūna-dhūli-dhoranī Vidhūsara-anghri-pītha-bhūh |
Bhujanga-rāja-mālayā Nibaddha-jāta-jūtakah
Shriyai Chirāya Jāyatām Chakora-bandhu-shekharah ||5||

May Lord Shiva gives us prosperity, Whose foot-stool is decorated by the ever flowing flower dust from the rows of head of Indra and other Gods,
Whose matted locks are tied by the king of serpents, and Whose head is decorated by the crescent moon (a friend of the Chakora bird).

निपीत-पञ्च-सायकं नमन्-निलिम्प-नायकम् |
सुधा-मयूख-लेखया विराजमान-शेखरं
महा-कपालि-सम्पदे-शिरो-जटालमस्तु नः ||६||

Nipīta-pancha-sāyakam Naman-nilimpa-nāyakam |
Sudhā-mayūkha-lekhayā Virājamāna-shekharam
Mahā-kapāli-sampade-shiro-jatālam-astu Nah ||6||

May we get the wealth of Siddhis from Shiva's locks of hair, Who destroyed the God of Love with the sparks of the raging fire in His forehead,
Who is saluted forever by all the celestial leaders/devas, and Who is beautiful with a crescent moon on His head.

धनञ्जयाहुतीकृत-प्रचण्ड-पञ्च-सायके |
प्रकल्पनैक-शिल्पिनि त्रिलोचने रतिर्मम ||७||

Dhananjaya-āhutī-krita-prachanda-pancha-sāyake |
Prakalpana-eka-shilpini Tri-lochane Ratir-mama ||7||

My interest is in Lord Shiva, Who has burnt the One with five arrows (God of Love) as an offering to fire, flaming Dhagad Dhagad Dhagad on His forehead,
Who is the only one expert artist of creation accompanied by Parvati (the daughter of mountain king), and Who has three eyes.

नवीन-मेघ-मण्डली निरुद्ध-दुर्धर-स्फुरत्-
कुहू-निशीथिनी-तमः प्रबन्ध-बद्ध-कन्धरः |
निलिम्प-निर्झरी-धरस्तनोतु कृत्ति-सिन्धुरः
कला-निधान-बन्धुरः श्रियं जगद्धुरन्धरः ||८||

Navīna-megha-mandalī Niruddha-durdhara-sphurat-
Kuhū-nishīthinī-tamah Prabandha-baddha-kandharah |
Nilimpa-nirjharī-dharas-tanotu Kritti-sindhurah
Kalā-nidhāna-bandhurah Shriyam Jagad-dhurandharah ||8||

May Lord Shiva, Whose neck is as dark as the midnight of a new moon night covered by many layers of clouds, Who holds the river Ganga on His head,
Whose cloth is made up of elephant skin, Who is lovely with the crescent moon, and Who bears the burden of this Universe; may He give us prosperity.

वलम्बि-कण्ठ-कन्दली-रुचि-प्रबद्ध-कन्धरम् |
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिदं भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं
गजच्छिदान्धकच्छिदं तमन्तकच्छिदं भजे ||९||

Avalambi-kantha-kandalī-ruchi-prabaddha-kandharam |
Smarach-chhidam Purach-chhidam Bhavach-chhidam Makhach-chhidam
Gajach-chhida-andhakach-chhidam Tam-antakach-chhidam Bhaje ||9||

I pray to Lord Shiva, Who shines with a black neck similar to the fully bloomed blue lotuses which looks like the blackness (sins) of the Universe,
Who destroyed Manmatha, Who destroyed Tripuras (the three cities), Who destroys the bonds of worldly life, Who destroyed the sacrifice (of Daksha), Who destroyed elephant-faced Asuras, Who destroyed the demon Andhaka, and Who controlled the God of death (Yama).

अखर्व सर्व-मङ्गला-कला-कदम्ब-मञ्जरी
रस-प्रवाह-माधुरी विजृम्भणा-मधु-व्रतम् |
स्मरान्तकं पुरान्तकं भवान्तकं मखान्तकं
गजान्तकान्धकान्तकं तमन्तकान्तकं भजे ||१०||

Rasa-pravāha-mādhurī Vijrimbhanā-madhu-vratam |
Smara-antakam Pura-antakam Bhava-antakam Makha-antakam
Gaja-antaka-andhaka-antakam Tam-antaka-antakam Bhaje ||10||

I pray to Lord Shiva, Who has bees flying all over His body because of the sweet honey from the beautiful bunch of auspicious Kadamba flowers,
Who brought an end to Manmatha, Who vanquished Tripuras (the three cities), Who ends the bonds of worldly life, Who ruined the sacrifice (of Daksha), Who defeated the elephant-faced Asuras, Who ended the demon Andhaka, and Who subdued the pride of the God of death (Yama).

द्विनिर्गमत्-क्रमस्फुरत्-कराल-भाल-हव्यवाट् |
ध्वनि-क्रम-प्रवर्तित प्रचण्ड-ताण्डवः शिवः ||११||

Vinirgamat-krama-sphurat-karāla-bhāla-havya-vāt |
Dhvani-krama-pravartita Prachanda-tāndavah Shivah ||11||

Victory to the great Shiva, Who has fire burning on His forehead which is spreading out by the breath of the snake wandering in whirling motion in the glorious sky,
And Whose dance of Tandava is in tune with the fierce sound Dhimid Dhimid Dhimid coming out of the auspicious drum.

गरिष्ठ-रत्न-लोष्ठयोः सुहृद्-विपक्ष-पक्षयोः |
तृणारविन्द-चक्षुषोः प्रजा-मही-महेन्द्रयोः
सम-प्रव्रितिकः कदा सदाशिवं भजाम्यहम् ||१२||

Garishtha-ratna-loshthayoh Suhrid-vipaksha-pakshayoh |
Trina-aravinda-chakshushoh Prajā-mahī-mahendrayoh
Sama-pravritikah Kadā Sadāshivam Bhajāmi-aham ||12||

When will I worship Lord Sadashiva (eternally auspicious God), with equal vision towards a snake and a garland, towards great gems and dirt, towards friends and enemies,
Towards a blade of grass and lotus-like eye, and towards an emperor and ordinary men?

कदा निलिम्प-निर्झरी-निकुञ्ज-कोटरे वसन्
विमुक्त-दुर्मतिः सदा शिरःस्थमञ्जलिं वहन् |
विलोल-लोल-लोचनो ललाम-भाल-लग्नकः
शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन् कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम् ||१३||

Kadā Nilimpa-nirjharī-nikunja-kotare Vasan
Vimukta-durmatih Sadā Shirahstham-anjalim Vahan |
Vilola-lola-lochano Lalāma-bhāla-lagnakah
Shiveti Mantram-uccharan Kadā Sukhī Bhavāmi-aham ||13||

When will I be happy, meditating on Shiva, living in a hallowed place near the celestial river, Ganga, with folded hands above my head releasing all my bad thoughts,
And being devoted to God, uttering the mantra of Lord Shiva with glorious forehead and vibrating eyes?

निगुम्फनिर्भरक्षरन्म-धूष्णिकामनोहरः |
तनोतु नो मनोमुदं विनोदिनीमहर्निशं
परिश्रयः परं पदं-तदंगजत्विषां चयः ||१४||

Nigumphanirbharaksharanma-dhūshnikāmanoharah |
Tanotu No Manomudam Vinodinī-maharnisham
Parishrayah Param Padam-tadangajatvishām Chayah ||14||

He Whose body parts are illumined by the fragrance of Kadamba flowers fallen (as a worship) from the decorated hair-locks of the devatas (demiGods), Whose organs are divinely beautiful,
And Who is all-pleasing, may He always bless us (or who take refuge in Him) with all the happiness and prosperities.

महाष्टसिद्धिकामिनी-जनावहूत-जल्पना |
शिवेति मन्त्रभूषणा जगज्जयाय जायताम् ||१५||

Mahā-ashta-siddhikāminī-janāvahūta-jalpanā |
Shiveti Mantrabhūshanā Jagajjayāya Jāyatām ||15||

Like the fierce fire (or Shakti in the form of great Asta-siddhi-kamini) which is capable of burning all the sins of the Universe thus spreading mass welfare of all,
If one sings this pious Shiva mantra at the time of Shiva-Parvati Vivah, then such great energy (or Shakti as mentioned above) is produced which gives rise to pleasant sound vibrations leading to victory over all sufferings.

इमं हि नित्यमेवमुक्तमुत्तमोत्तमं स्तवं
पठन्-स्मरन्-ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धिमेति-संततम् |
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथा गतिं
विमोहनं हि देहिनां सुशङ्करस्य चिंतनम् ||१६||

Imam Hi Nityam-evam-uktam-uttamottamam Stavam
Pathan-smaran-bruvan-naro Vishuddhim-iti-Santatam |
Hare Gurau Subhaktim-āshu Yāti Na-anyathā Gatim
Vimohanam Hi Dehinām Su-shankarasya Chintanam ||16||

Whoever reads, remembers and recites this best among the best stotra daily as it is said here, gets purified forever, and obtains devotion in the great Guru Shiva.
For this devotion, there is no other way. Even a mere thought of Lord Shiva indeed removes the delusion.

पूजा-वसान-समये दश-वक्त्रगीतं
यः शम्भु-पूजन-परं पठति प्रदोषे |
तस्य स्थिरां रथ-गजेन्द्र-तुरङ्ग-युक्तां
लक्ष्मीं सदैव सुमुखिं प्रददाति शम्भुः ||

Pūjā-avasāna-samaye Dasha-vaktra-gītam
Yah Shambhu-pūjana-param Pathati Pradoshe |
Tasya Sthirām Ratha-gaja-indra-turanga-yuktām
Lakshmīm Sadaiva Su-mukhīm Pradadāti Shambhuh ||

In the evening, after sunset, at the end of Puja, whoever utters this stotra sung by the One with ten heads (Ravana), which is dedicated to the worship of Shiva,
Lord Shiva will indeed bless him with great Lakshmi (prosperity), and with all the richness of chariots, elephants and horses.

इति श्री रावण-कृतम् शिव-ताण्डव-स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ||

Thus ends Shiva Tandava Stotram composed by Shri Ravana.

This is the original version of Shiva Tandava Stotram. For easy reading, dash sign (-) is placed in the middle of texts, leaving space as it is. If you want the original format, just remove dash sign from all the verses. You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one.

However, some variations contains two additional verses as:

नमामि पार्वतीपतिं नमामि जाह्नवीपतिं
नमामि भक्तवत्सलं नमामि भाललोचनम् ।
नमामि चन्द्रशेखरं नमामि दुःखमोचनं
तदीयपादपङ्कजं स्मराम्यहं नटेश्वरम् ॥

रावणेन कृतं स्तोत्रं यः पठेच्छिवसन्निधौ ।
पुत्रपौत्रादिकं सौख्यं लभते मोक्षमेव च ॥


  1. Hi, admin
    Thanks for sharing this post
    Shiva Tandava Stotra is so beautiful. You will feel the presence of our lord, Shiva. It is used to please Lord Shiva, and to purify you. Many experiences include that, if you say the shiva tandav stotra it made them reach Shiva. They felt the presence of the lord. Now to your question, “ What are the Benefits of Chanting/Reciting the stotra?” If you recite with devotion and happiness, then people say that shiva will control over your death not Yama.

    1. Hi Praveen, Thank you for your appreciation.
      Now to your question, everything depends upon your faith. Do you believe in Puranas? If yes, then you should never ask or think what specific benefit can be obtained from reading the Stotra. Stotra contains the name of Holy God, repeated many times. Even a single name of God, if you chant with pure heart, can fulfill all your desires. But it doesn't mean chanting it for a while gives you everything. It is a life-long process. It is not a Yantra that is meant to work within specific time.
      And if you don't believe in Puranas, then why would you believe anything i have to say? What i meant to say is, no one at present time have proved about its significance. Only past Rishis have experienced it. At this time, people call it a myth. So, if you believe in God, you don't need to worry about your situation and life because you trust Him. If you pray God with specific desire, you may get it fultilled, but if you pray God without specific desire, you will get bigger blessing. This is not my thought, but the teaching of Puranas. If you want any specific desire to be fulfilled within specific days or months, then better prefer Yantra than Mantra or Stotra.

    2. Also, wherever there is devotion, there is no desire because you believe in God.

  2. Lord Shiva is believed to have performed the Tandava Nritya, the dance of primordial creation, preservation and destruction.

  3. please convert these Sanskrit slokas into Hindi and make shiv panchakshar stotra also

    1. Shiva Panchakshara Mantra is already present in this blog. Please refer from article menu. Sorry to say that i cannot convert these into Hindi.

  4. इसमें दो चरण रेह गये है
    कृपया उसको add करे

    1. Thank you, i will take your advice into consideration.

  5. After the 13th stanza, you have more two stanzas then comes this "imam hi nitya...." stanza. If you could please add that also, would be great.

    1. could you please provide me link of the site containing those verses?

    2. I have added those stanzas. Thank You for your correction.


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