Pratah Smarana Stotram

Pratah Smarana Stotram: Mantra with Meaning

Pratah Smarana Stotram is a prayer composed by Adi Shankaracharya which consists of three stanzas and which summarizes the essence of Advaita Vedanta. This prayer is to be recited in the early morning (dawn) since dawn is the outer symbol of inner awakening.

Composed By: Shri Shankaracharya

Pratah Smarana Stotram

Pratah Smaranam

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it

॥ प्रातः स्मरण स्तोत्रम् ॥

प्रातः स्मरामि हृदि संस्फुरदात्मतत्त्वं
सच्चित्सुखं परमहंसगतिं तुरीयम् ।
यत्स्वप्नजागरसुषुप्तिमवैति नित्यं
तद्ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं न च भूतसङ्घः ॥१॥

Prātah Smarāmi Hridi Samsphurad-ātma-tattvam
Sach-chit-sukham Parama-hamsa-gatim Turīyam |
Yat-svapna-jāgara-sushuptim-avaiti Nityam
Tad-brahma Nishkalam-aham Na Cha Bhūta-Sanghah ||1||

In the early morning, I remember (meditate upon) the pure essence of the Soul shining within my heart, which is existence-consciousness-bliss, which is the supreme Hamsa (the ultimate goal of the Sannyasins), and the Fourth (Turiya) state,
And that which always knows (as a witness) the states of dream, waking, and deep sleep; that Brahman which is without any division shines as the "I", and not this body which is a collection of five elements.

प्रातर्भजामि मनसा वचसामगम्यं
वाचो विभान्ति निखिला यदनुग्रहेण ।
यन्नेतिनेतिवचनैर्निगमा अवोचं_
स्तं देवदेवमजमच्युतमाहुरग्र्यम् ॥२॥

Prātar-bhajāmi Manasaa Vachasām-agamyam
Vācho Vibhānti Nikhilā Yad-anugrahena |
Yan-neti-neti-vachanair-nigamā Avocham
S-tam Deva-devam-ajam-acyutam-āhur-agryam ||2||

In the early morning, I worship That which is beyond the mind and the speech, but by the grace of which all speech shine,
Which is expressed in the scriptures by the statement "not this", "not this" since it cannot be adequately expressed by words – that God of gods, they say, is unborn, infallible (imperishable) and the foremost (primordial).

प्रातर्नमामि तमसः परमर्कवर्णं
पूर्णं सनातनपदं पुरुषोत्तमाख्यम् ।
यस्मिन्निदं जगदशेषमशेषमूर्तौ
रज्ज्वां भुजङ्गम इव प्रतिभासितं वै ॥३॥

Prātar-namāmi Tamasah Param-arka-varnam
Pūrnam Sanātana-Padam Purushottama-Ākhyam |
Yasminn-idam Jagad-ashesham-ashesha-mūrtau
Rajjvām Bhujangam Iva Pratibhāsitam Vai ||3||

In the early morning, I salute that darkness (signifying formless) which is of the nature of Supreme Illumination, which is complete (Purna), which is the primordial abode and which is called the Supreme Purusha,
And in Whom this endless world is settled endlessly appearing like a serpent in a rope.

श्लोकत्रयमिदं पुण्यं लोकत्रयविभूषणम् ।
प्रातःकाले पठेद्यस्तु स गच्छेत्परमं पदम् ॥

Shloka-trayam-idam Punyam Loka-traya-Vibhūshanam |
Prātah-kāle Pathed-yas-tu Sa Gachchhet-paramam Padam ||

These three Shlokas which is sacred and which is the ornament of the three worlds,
Whoever reads this in the early morning, goes to (or attain) the Supreme Abode of Brahman.

You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one.


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