Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram

Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram: Mantra with Meaning

Shri Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram is a praise on Lord Ganesha composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya. It contains five stanzas, considered as five jewels. Shri Ganesha is the God of beginnings and remover of obstacles. One who reads this beautiful Stotram with full faith and devotion on Lord Ganesha will be bestowed with good health, wealth and knowledge. He also obtains grace from Lord Ganesha, and in the end, attain all the eight Siddhis and salvation.

Composed By: Adi Shankaracharya

Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram

Shri Ganesha

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it

॥ गणेश-पञ्चरत्न-स्तोत्रम् ॥

मुदाकरात्त-मोदकं सदा-विमुक्ति-साधकं
कला-धरावतंसकं विलासि-लोक-रक्षकम् ।
अनायकैक-नायकं विनाशितेभ-दैत्यकं
नताशुभाशु-नाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥१॥

One Who holds the sweet Modaka (representing divine joy) in His hand, Who always gives salvation to His devotees, Who wears the moon as an ornament, and Who, with the joyful spirit, protects the world,
Who is without any master but is Himself the Only master for His devotees and thus protects them by destroying the demons, and Who quickly destroys the inauspicious tendencies (fate) of His devotees; to that Lord Vinayaka, I offer my salutations.

नतेतराति-भीकरं नवोदितार्क-भास्वरं
नमत्सुरारि-निर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्धरम् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ॥२॥

One Who induces fear to those who are dishonest and arrogant, Who shines like a rising sun, Who is saluted reverentially by the Devas and the devotees, Who is ever fresh and young, and Who frees His devotees from the obstacles,
Who is the leader of the Gods, Who is the God of prosperity, Who is the God with an elephant face, Who is the God of the Ganas (celestial attendants), and Who is the great God; to Him Who is even superior to the best ones, I continually place myself in devotional surrender.

समस्त-लोक-शङ्करं निरस्त-दैत्य-कुञ्जरं
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभ-वक्त्रमक्षरम् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ॥३॥

One Who gives auspiciousness to all the worlds, Who is the destroyer of the elephant-faced demons, Who has big body signifying prosperity, Who gives great boons, and Whose excellent face reflects His imperishable nature,
Who showers grace, compassion, joy and glory to His devotees, Who bestows intelligence and wisdom to those who salute Him with reverence, and Who has shining form; to Him, I offer my salutations.

अकिञ्चनार्ति-मार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्ति-भाजनं
पुरारि-पूर्व-नन्दनं सुरारि-गर्व-चर्वणम् ।
प्रपञ्च-नाश-भीषणं धनञ्जयादि-भूषणं
कपोल-दान-वारणं भजे पुराण-वारणम् ॥४॥

One Who removes the sufferings of the destitute, Who is praised by the ancient ones, Who is the former son of the Purari (Lord Shiva, the destroyer of Tripuras), and Who is the destroyer of the pride of the demons,
Who wields terrible power to destroy the five elements during the great dissolution, Who is adorned with the powers like Fire as His ornaments, and from Whose cheeks flow down the juice of grace; to Him Whose praise similarly flows down (like juice) from the Puranas, I offer my adorations.

अचिन्त्य-रूपमन्तहीनमन्तराय-कृन्तनम् ।
हृदन्तरे निरन्तरं वसन्तमेव योगिनां
तमेक-दन्तमेव तं विचिन्तयामि सन्ततम् ॥५॥

One Whose beautiful form with tusks is very much dear to His devotees, Who is the son of the One who killed the pride of Yama (i.e. Shiva), Whose true form is incomprehensible by anyone, Who is without any limit, and Who removes the obstacles of His devotees,
Who always resides in the heart of the Yogis, and Who is with a single tusk; to Him, I continually meditate upon.

महा-गणेश-पञ्चरत्नमादरेण योऽन्वहं
प्रजल्पति प्रभातके हृदि स्मरन् गणेश्वरम् ।
अरोगतामदोषतां सुसाहितीं सुपुत्रतां
समाहितायुरष्ट-भूतिमभ्युपैति सोऽचिरात् ॥

These five jewels in the praise of Maha Ganesha, whoever reads with devotion or recites it in the morning contemplating on Shri Ganesha in their hearts,
Will be granted good health, morality, good spouses and good sons (material wealth) as well as He will get long life and all the eight Siddhis (spiritual wealth).

इति श्रीशङ्करभगवतः कृतौ श्रीगणेशपञ्चरत्नस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Hence ends Shri Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya.

You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one. For easy reading, dash sign (-) is placed in the middle of texts, leaving space as it is. If you want the original format, just remove dash sign from all the verses.


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