Kanakadhara Stotram

Kanakadhara Stotram: Mantra with Meaning

Kanakadhara Stotram, also known as Suvarnadhara Stotram, is a Sanskrit hymn dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of wealth and prosperity (both material and spiritual). Goddess Lakshmi is the divine consort of Lord Vishnu and is believed to protect Her devotees from all kinds of miseries. This hymn was composed by Guru Adi Shankaracharya, a great Indian philosopher who introduced the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. The hymn contains the description of the beauty, personality, power and graciousness of the Goddess. It is believed that Adi Shankaracharya composed this hymn in the praise of Goddess Lakshmi to request Her to shower wealth to a poor woman. Kanakadhara is literally translated as ‘the shower of gold’.

Shankaracharya took renunciation at the age of eight. One day, as a young boy, he was begging for alms, and on the process he went to the house of a very poor Brahmin lady to beg. The lady was upset because there was nothing edible in the house to give as Bhiksha. After searching the house once more, she found one Amla (gooseberry) fruit. She hesitantly offered it to Shankaracharya. Shri Shankaracharya was deeply moved to see the pure intent and plight of the woman that he broke into a song (hymn) that praised Goddess Mahalakshmi.

The Goddess was so pleased that She appeared before him and asked him to ask for a boon. Shankaracharya said that he didn't require anything for himself but he wished that this poor woman be blessed with riches. But the Goddess denied at first saying that this Brahmin lady doesn’t qualify to obtain any riches in this life as she had not done any charities in her previous life and thus she deserves sufferance. Shankaracharya replied that this woman is a pious lady in this life and gave away the only thing she owned with utter devotion. He said that this single deed she did right now with great reverence in spite of not having anything is enough to wash away all the bad deeds and sins of her past life. Hearing the words of Shankaracharya, the Goddess was immensely pleased, and She instantly showered rain of golden Amla fruits as a blessing to the lady.

Thus, the hymn which Shri Shankaracharya recited in the praise of Mahalakshmi became the sacred and famous hymn. Chanting of this hymn with pure and selfless heart will please the Goddess and She will bestow upon us the blessing with all the happiness and riches, and forgives all the sins that we might have knowingly or unknowingly performed previously.

Composed By: Shri Shankaracharya

Kanakadhara Stotram

Goddess Lakshmi

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it

॥ श्रीकनकधारास्तोत्रम् ॥

वन्दे वन्दारु मन्दारमिन्दिरानन्द कन्दलं
आनन्दानन्द सन्दोहं बन्धुरं सिन्धुराननम् ।।

Vande Vandāru Mandāram-indirā-nanda Kandalam
Ānanda-ānanda Sandoham Bandhuram Sindhura-ānanam ।।

My respectful salutations to Him Who is like the wish-fulfilling tree, Who is the delight (son) of Goddess Parvati, and Who looks fresh and young like a sprig,
Whose face is abundantly joyous and pleasing to look, and Who has an elephant-face. To Him (Lord Ganesha), my salutations.

अङ्गं हरेः पुलक-भूषणमाश्रयन्ती
भृङ्गाङ्गनेव मुकुलाभरणं तमालम् ।
माङ्गल्यदाऽस्तु मम मङ्गल-देवतायाः ॥१॥

Angam Hareh Pulaka-bhūshanam-āshrayantī
Bhringa-angan-eva Mukula-ābharanam Tamālam |
Māngalya-dā-astu Mama Mangala-devatāyāh ||1||

To the fragrant and dark-complexioned body of Hari, Goddess Lakshmi is attracted and finds delight on Him, just like the bees are attracted to the unopened buds of black Tamala tree.
May She, Who has contained within Her body the entire opulence (wealth) of the Universe, grant me a glance that will bring prosperity in my life.

मुग्धा मुहुर्विदधती वदने मुरारेः
प्रेम-त्रपा-प्रणिहितानि गतागतानि ।
माला दृशोर्मधुकरीव महोत्पले या
सा मे श्रियं दिशतु सागर-सम्भवायाः ॥२॥

Mugdhā Muhur-vidadhatī Vadane Murāreh
Prema-trapā-pranihitāni Gatāgatāni |
Mālā Drishor-madhukarī-iva Mahotpale Yā
Sā Me Shriyam Dishatu Sāgara-sambhavāyāh ||2||

Again and again return those glances of Her filled with love and bashfulness, to the beautiful lotus face of Murari (Lord Hari) -
As if the series of glances have taken the form of honey-bees which constantly return and move round and round the huge blue lotus. May those glances of Her Who has arisen out of the milky ocean, shower upon me good fortunes.

आनन्द-हेतुरधिकं मुर-विद्विषोऽपि ।
ईषन्निषीदतु मयि क्षणमीक्षणार्धं
इन्दीवरोदर-सहोदरमिन्दिरायाः ॥३॥

Ānanda-hetur-adhikam Mura-vidvisho-api |
Īshan-nishīdatu Mayi Kshanam-īkshana-ardham
Indīvaro-udara-sahodaram-indirāyāh ||3||

One Who is capable of granting the position of the chief of the Devas (like Indra) in this world by a mere momentary glance, and also of overflowing the enemy of Mura (i.e. Lord Hari),
May a little of that glance (of Devi Lakshmi) from Her half-closed bluish lotus eyes rest on me, atleast for a moment.

आमीलिताक्षमधिगम्य मुदा मुकुन्दं
आनन्द-कन्दमनिमेषमनङ्ग-तन्त्रम् ।
भूत्यै भवेन्मम भुजङ्ग-शयाङ्गनायाः ॥४॥

Āmīlita-aksham-adhigamya Mudā Mukundam
Ānanda-kandam-animesham-ananga-tantram |
Bhūtyai bhaven-mama Bhujanga-shaya-anganāyāh ||4||

With half closed eyes, She stares on the joyous form of Mukunda (Lord Hari) Whose eyes have remained closed in ecstasy. And the unwinking eyes of Her are showering great joy filled with great love on the ecstasy-filled face of Her Lord,
Let a ray of glance from the corner of that eye take wing and fall on me; from the eyes of the consort of the One Who rests on the serpent.

बाह्वन्तरे मधुजितः श्रित-कौस्तुभे या
हारावलीव हरि-नीलमयी विभाति ।
कामप्रदा भगवतोऽपि कटाक्ष-माला
कल्याणमावहतु मे कमलालयायाः ॥५॥

Bāhu-antare Madhu-jitah Shrita-kaustubhe Yā
Hārāvali-iva Hari-nīlamayī Vibhāti |
Kāma-pradā Bhagavato-api Katāksha-mālā
Kalyānam-āvahatu Me Kamala-ālayāyāh ||5||

Lord Vishnu (conqueror of Madhu), Whose chest is adorned by the Kaustubha gem, is also adorned by the garland of glances of Goddess Mahalakshmi. There She shines like a string of yellowish-blue pearls -
Giving rise to love even in the Lord through the string of Her side glances. And let those side glances of Her Who lives in the lotus also fall on me and bring auspiciousness.

कालाम्बु-दालि-ललितोरसि कैटभारेः
धाराधरे स्फुरति या तडिदङ्गनेव ।
मातुः समस्त-जगतां महनीय-मूर्तिः
भद्राणि मे दिशतु भार्गव-नन्दनायाः ॥६॥

Kāla-ambu-da-ali-lalito-urasi Kaitabha-areh
Dhārādhare Sphurati Yā Tadid-angane-iva |
Mātuh Samasta-jagatām Mahanīya-mūrtih
Bhadrāni Me Dishatu Bhārgava-nandanāyāh ||6||

On the dark broad chest of the enemy of Kaitabha (i.e. Lord Hari) - the chest resembling the dark water-bearing cloud, She is playing like a bee which looks like lightning flashing over the cloudy sky.
Let She, Who is worshiped as the Mother of the entire Universe and Who is the daughter of Sage Bhargava, bestow auspiciousness on me.

प्राप्तं पदं प्रथमतः खलु यत्प्रभावात्
माङ्गल्य-भाजि मधु-माथिनि मन्मथेन ।
मय्या-पतेत्तदिह मन्थरमीक्षणार्धं
मन्दालसं च मकरालय-कन्यकायाः ॥७॥

Prāptam Padam Prathamatah Khalu Yat-prabhāvāt
Māngalya-bhāji Madhu-māthini Manmathena |
Mayyā-patet-tad-iha Mantharam-īkshana-ardham
Manda-alasam Cha Makarālaya-kanyakāyāh ||7||

The God of love, Manmatha, could reach the slayer of Madhu (Lord Hari Who is always connected with the conferrer of happiness) only through the power of Her kind glances.
And may that auspicious gentle side-glance of Her Who is the daughter of the ocean (the house of crocodile), fall on me.

दद्याद्दयानु-पवनो द्रविणाम्बुधारां
अस्मिन्नकिञ्चन-विहङ्ग-शिशौ विषण्णे ।
दुष्कर्म-घर्ममपनीय चिराय दूरं
नारायण-प्रणयिनी-नयनाम्बु-वाहः ॥८॥

Daddyād-dayā-anu-pavano Dravina-ambu-dhārām
Asmin-akinchana-vihanga-shishau Vishanne |
Dushkarma-gharmam-apanīya Cirāya Dūram
Nārāyana-pranayinī-nayana-ambu-vāhah ||8||

May She bestow the wind of Her mercy and shower wealth to this utterly destitute and helpless devotee who is like a child of a bird stricken with poverty,
And remove forever the heat of sinful activities. May the shower of rain of mercy from the eyes of Her, the beloved of Narayana, bestow this on me.

इष्टा विशिष्ट-मत-योऽपि यया दयार्द्र
दृष्ट्या त्रिविष्टप-पदं सुलभं लभन्ते ।
दृष्टिः प्रहृष्ट-कमलोदर-दीप्ति-रिष्टां
पुष्टिं कृषीष्ट मम पुष्कर-विष्टरायाः ॥९॥

Ishtā Vishishta-mata-yo-api Yayā Dayā-ārdra
Drishtyā Trivishtapa-padam Sulabham Labhante |
Drishtih Prahrishta-kamalo-udara-dīpti-rishtām
Pushtim Krishīshta Mama Pushkara-vishtarāyāh ||9||

The most distinguished and difficult desires, like a position in the heaven, can be obtained with ease by the merciful glance of Her compassionate eyes.
May Her sparkling eyes which is splendid like the interior of a fully bloomed lotus, fall on me. May that glance of Her, Who is seated on a blue lotus, nourishes all my heart’s desires.

गीर्देवतेति गरुड-ध्वज-सुन्दरीति
शाकम्भरीति शशि-शेखर-वल्लभेति ।
सृष्टि-स्थिति-प्रलय-केलिषु संस्थितायै
तस्यै नमस्त्रिभुवनैक-गुरोस्तरुण्यै ॥१०॥

Gīr-devatā-iti Garuda-dhvaja-sundarī-iti
Shākambharī-iti Shashi-shekhara-vallabha-iti |
Srishti-sthiti-pralaya-kelishu Samsthitāyai
Tasyai Namas-tri-bhuvanai-eka-guros-tarunyai ||10||

She is the Goddess of speech (as Saraswati), and the beloved of One Who has Garuda as an emblem (as Lakshmi). She is the bearer of the greens (as Shakambhari Devi, Who sustains everyone with vegetation/vegan foods. In Hinduism, any vegetarian food is considered as the Prasad of Her.), and the beloved of One Who has a crescent moon on His head (as Parvati).
Verily, it is She Who is playfully engaged in the creation, maintenance and destruction of the Universe. My reverential salutations to Her Who is the ever youthful and Who is the consort of Narayana (the preceptor of all the three worlds).
[Note: Goddess Lakshmi is a manifestation of the Supreme God. She is only a form to represent Prosperity aspect of the God; Her true nature is beyond that form. It is She Who is Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati and all other forms of God. So, worshipping Goddess Lakshmi is like worshipping all the forms of the God (as long as one worships with pure, unselfish heart).]

श्रुत्यै नमोऽस्तु शुभ-कर्म-फल-प्रसूत्यै
रत्यै नमोऽस्तु रमणीय-गुणार्णवायै ।
शक्त्यै नमोऽस्तु शत-पत्र-निकेतनायै
पुष्ट्यै नमोऽस्तु पुरुषोत्तम-वल्लभायै ॥११॥

Shrutyai Namo-astu Shubha-karma-phala-prasūtyai
Ratyai Namo-astu Ramanīya-guna-arnavāyai |
Shaktyai Namo-astu Shata-patra-niketanāyai
Pushtyai Namo-astu Purushottama-vallabhāyai ||11||

Salutations to You as Vedas Who produces the auspicious results of good actions, salutations to You as Rati Who is an ocean of extremely beautiful qualities.
Salutations to You as Shakti Who abides in the beautiful lotus with hundred petals. Salutations to You Who is the Goddess of nourishment and the beloved of Purushottama.

नमोऽस्तु नालीक-निभाननायै
नमोऽस्तु दुग्धो-दधि-जन्म-भूम्यै ।
नमोऽस्तु सोमामृत-सोदरायै
नमोऽस्तु नारायण-वल्लभायै ॥१२॥

Namo-astu Nālīka-nibha-ānanāyai
Namo-astu Dugdho-dadhi-janma-bhūmyai |
Namo-astu Soma-amrita-sodarāyai
Namo-astu Nārāyana-vallabhāyai ||12||

Salutations to You Who has the face resembling a lotus, salutations to You Who is born from the ocean of milk,
Salutations to You Who is the sister of divine nectar (Amrita) and the Moon. Salutations to You O the consort of Narayana!

नमोऽस्तु हेमाम्बुज-पीठिकायै
नमोऽस्तु भू-मण्डल-नायिकायै ।
नमोऽस्तु देवादि-दया-परायै
नमोऽस्तु शार्ङ्गायुध-वल्लभायै ॥ १३॥

Namo-astu Hema-ambuja-pīthikāyai
Namo-astu Bhū-mandala-nāyikāyai
Namo-astu deva-ādi-dayā-parāyai
Namo-astu Shārnga-āyudha-vallabhāyai ||13||

Salutations to You Who is seated on the golden lotus, salutations to You Who is the leader of the World,
Salutations to You Who is compassionate to the Devas, salutations to You Who is the consort of the One Who carries a bow called Saranga.

नमोऽस्तु देव्यै भृगु-नन्दनायै
नमोऽस्तु विष्णोरुरसि स्थितायै ।
नमोऽस्तु लक्ष्म्यै कमलालयायै
नमोऽस्तु दामोदर-वल्लभायै ॥ १४॥

Namo-astu Devyai Bhrigu-nandanāyai
Namo-astu Vishnor-urasi Sthitāyai
Namo-astu Lakshmai Kamalālayāyai
Namo-astu Dāmodara-vallabhāyai ||14||

Salutations to You Who is the daughter of Bhrigu, salutations to You Who adorns the holy chest of Vishnu,
Salutations to You O Lakshmi, Who resides on the lotus. To You, Who is the consort of Damodara, my salutations.

नमोऽस्तु कान्त्यै कमलेक्षणायै
नमोऽस्तु भूत्यै भुवन-प्रसूत्यै ।
नमोऽस्तु देवादिभिरर्चितायै
नमोऽस्तु नन्दात्मज-वल्लभायै ॥ १५॥

Namo-astu Kāntyai Kamala-akshanāyai
Namo-astu Bhūtyai Bhuvana-prasūtyai
Namo-astu Deva-ādibhir-architāyai
Namo-astu Nanda-ātma-aja-vallabhāyai ||15||

Salutations to You Who is lovely with the eyes like a lotus, salutations to You Who is the Earth and also the mother of the Earth,
Salutations to You Who is worshipped by the Devas. O the Consort of the son of Nanda, my salutations to You.

सम्पत्कराणि सकलेन्द्रिय-नन्दनानि
साम्राज्य-दान-विभवानि सरोरुहाक्षि ।
त्वद्वन्दनानि दुरिता-हरणोद्यतानि
मामेव मातरनिशं कलयन्तु मान्ये ॥१६॥

Sampat-karāni Sakale-indriya-nandanāni
Sāmrājya-dāna-vibhavāni Saroruha-akshi |
Tvad-vandanāni Duritā-harano-udyatāni
Mām-eva Mātar-anisham Kalayantu Mānye ||16||

One Who is the giver of wealth and great joy to all the senses, Whose lotus-like eyes holds the power to bestow a kingdom,
Whose singing of glories removes all the difficulties and sins from our lives, O Mother, may I be blessed with a desire to serve You and sing Your glories.

सेवकस्य सकलार्थ-सम्पदः ।
संतनोति वचनाङ्ग-मानसैः
त्वां मुरारि-हृदयेश्वरीं भजे ॥१७॥

Sevakasya Sakala-artha-sampadah |
Samtanoti Vacana-anga-mānasaih
Tvām Murāri-hridaya-īshvarīm Bhaje ||17||

He who worships Your merciful sidelong glances is blessed with all known wealth and prosperity.
Therefore, may my speech, body and mind be enveloped for the worship of You Who is the beloved Goddess residing within the heart of Murari.

सरसिज-निलये सरोज-हस्ते
धवलतमांशुक-गन्ध-माल्य-शोभे ।
भगवति हरिवल्लभे मनोज्ञे
त्रिभुवन-भूति-करि प्रसीद मह्यम् ॥१८॥

Sarasija-nilaye Saroja-haste
Dhavalatama-amshuka-gandha-mālya-shobhe |
Bhagavati Hari-vallabhe Manojnye
Tri-bhuvana-bhūti-kari Prasīda Mahyam ||18||

Seated on the Lotus with lotus in Her hand, dressed in dazzling white garments, and shining with fragrant garlands and sandalwood paste,
O Goddess, You are the beloved of Hari and the most captivating. You are the source of prosperity in all the three worlds. O Mother, please be gracious to me.

दिग्घस्तिभिः कनक-कुम्भ-मुखावसृष्ट
स्वर्वाहिनी-विमल-चारु-जलप्लुताङ्गीम् ।
प्रातर्नमामि जगतां जननीमशेष
लोकाधिनाथ-गृहिणीममृताब्धि-पुत्रीम् ॥१९॥

Dig-hastibhih Kanaka-kumbha-mukha-avasrishta
Svar-vāhinī-vimala-chāru-jala-pluta-angīm |
Prātar-namāmi Jagatām Jananīm-ashesha
Loka-adhinātha-grihinīm-amrita-abdhi-putrīm ||19||

Those celestial elephants from all the diverse directions bathe You everyday with the pure and stainless waters flowing from the celestial regions, by pouring them from the mouth of the golden pitchers for your holy purifying bath.
My salutations to You, in this early morning, to the eternal Mother of the Universe Who is the consort of the Lord of the Universe, and the daughter of the nectar ocean.

कमले कमलाक्ष-वल्लभे
त्वं करुणा-पूर-तरङ्गितैरपाङ्गैः ।
अवलोकय मामकिञ्चनानां
प्रथमं पात्रमकृत्रिमं दयायाः ॥२०॥

Kamale Kamala-aksha-vallabhe
Tvam Karunā-pūra-tarangitair-apāngaih |
Avalokaya Mām-akinchanānām
Prathamam Pātram-akritrimam Dayāyāh ||20||

Salutations to You O Mother Kamala, You are the beloved of the One with lotus-like eyes. Kindly look at me with Your eyes filled with the waves of compassion.
Please turn Your glance on me who is utterly destitute and the first person to receive Your unreserved compassion.

स्तुवन्ति ये स्तुतिभिरमूभिरन्वहं
त्रयीमयीं त्रिभुवन-मातरं रमाम् ।
गुणाधिका गुरुतर-भाग्य-भागिनो
भवन्ति ते भुवि बुध-भाविता-शयाः ॥२१॥

Stuvanti Ye Stutibhir-amūbhir-anvaham
Trayīmayīm Tri-bhuvana-mātaram Ramām |
Guna-adhikā Gurutara-bhāgya-bhāgino
Bhavanti Te Bhuvi Budha-bhāvitā-shayāh ||21||

Whoever recites these hymn everyday, of Her Who is the personification of the three Vedas (Rig, Sama and Yajur Vedas), and Who is the mother of the three worlds, and Who is Goddess Rama,
Will be blessed with abundant virtues and all the great fortunes. And he would live in the world with great recognition from even the learned ones.

।। सुवर्णधारा स्तोत्रं यत्-शङ्कराचार्य निर्मितं त्रिसन्ध्यं यः पठेन्नित्यं कुबेर समो भवेत् ।।

Thus, the Suvarnadhara Stotram composed by Shri Shankaracharya, when recited by a person at three divisions (dawn, noon and dusk) of the day and on a regular (daily) basis, will be blessed with abundant riches (equal to Kubera, God of Wealth) that last forever.

For easy reading, dash sign (-) is placed in the middle of texts, leaving space as it is. If you want the original format, just remove dash sign from all the verses. You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one.


  1. There r few more versus which are missing here, if you could add them it would be great.

    1. Thank You. But would you please provide me link for those verses?


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