Personal Article 1: Fate & Karma

Personal Article 1: Fate & Karma

Our life is influenced by two factors. They are Fate and Karma. Both Fate and Karma are pre-written by God at the time of our birth. Fate is called "Bhagya" in Sanskrit. The word Baghya is derived from the word "Bhag" which means accumulated fruit (good results). And the term "Karma" means "Kriya", i.e. action. There are two Karmas: Past Karma and Present Karma. Past Karma are actions done in past lives whereas Present Karma means actions that have been done, or yet to be done, in this current life. Fate determines what fruits are to be enjoyed (suffered) in this current life according to the actions done in the past lives. Our current Fate is the result of our past Karma. And our present Karma will determine our future Fate. Virtuous Karma produces good Fate and sinful Karma produces bad Fate. Actions done in current life, after enjoying some of its portion, will be reserved as Fate for next life, in which we do Karma according to the Fate we've obtained, or the goal we have to reach.

Fate can be known by looking at our astrological birth chart. It is also scripted in our body like palm, feet, etc in the form of Bhagya Rekha (lines). Fate of previous Karma cannot be changed. But Fate to be enjoyed later is in our hand (will power and determination), in the form of Karma. Karma has the power to change or subside the Fate. Fate is fixed, whereas Karma has infinite possibiities. If we don't write our Karma, then we are forced to live according to the Fate accumulated through the past Karmas, which usually results in slow progression.

God knows both the destination/perfection we will reach either we follow the path of Fate, or the path of Karma. Still, he wants us to perform the right action so that we can go beyond the evil effects of past Karma and evolve (into higher self of understanding).

The life we are currently living is not the only life in our Soul's journey. We may not born in the same class of family every time with same amount of richness, facilities, and harmony. Sometimes we born in a rich family, sometimes in a poor one; sometimes in an educated family, or sometimes as an orphan. The state of birth is determined by what actions we do or have done and what fruits are we preserving to enjoy later. The actions done, or the happiness and sorrow we encounter in one life, will be forgotten at the time of next birth, because of which, we feel like this is the only life we live, we have not done any sins and still we're suffering, or the just opposite.

If we are rich now, we feel that life is enjoyful, and pray God to give us birth again and again, because we are never satisfied with happy life. But we forget that we had born many times before where we might have lived in poverty, miseries, diseases and had asked God to never give such life again. This process keeps on continuing according to the state of life we live. It is not true that our every life is enjoyable. In order to be happy, we need to do the right action. We turn to God when we are troubled. Trouble is the result of Fate. But turning to God is our choice. We may ask for blessings and knowledge, or start acting in a more sinful way. It's all up to us to choose. Similarly, if we are happy now ahd got all the richness, then it is the result of our Fate. Now, whether being blinded with that richness or to utilize them in right way is up to us to choose. But we should never forget that Karma once done, will not erase without experiencing its results. Garuda Purana says:
अवश्यमेव भोक्तव्यं कृतं कर्म शुभाशुभम् ।
नाभुक्तं क्षीयते कर्म कल्पकोटिशतैरपि ।।
Meaning: Karma which has been made, whether good or evil, must inevitably be suffered. Karma not suffered does not fade away even in tens of millions of ages.

So, considering bad Fate as the great lesson for doing right actions in this life, or considering good Fate as the great opportunity to progress in this life, we must do right Karma. Instead of repenting our past sins (miserable Fate), we should try to write a new future. In Puranic story, sage Markandeya had Fate to live for 16 years. But his Karma of turning towards Lord Shiva and becoming His utmost devotee, he was granted the boon of immortality. This proves that Karma has power to change the Fate, even in this current life.

As a conclusion, both the path of Fate and Karma is for our own goodness that lead us to perfection and nothing else. But the path of Fate is slower and much more difficult than the path of Karma. So, we should not depend only our Fate, but taking the advantage of Fate (as a lesson), we should try to write our own Karma and follow it.

Composed On: July 29, 2016


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