
Lingashtakam: Mantra with Meaning

The Lingam (or Shivalinga) is an abstract or aniconic representation of the Hindu god Shiva. It is a sacred symbol of Hindus which is revered as the manifestation of the Universal Self in His awakened aspect in union with His dynamic energy Shakti. This union is the source of all the creation around us.

Lingashtakam is a hymn in the praise of Lord Shiva in his aspect as Shivalingam.

Composed By: Adi Shankaracharya


Shiva Linga

Play the music, and sing the stotra along with it

॥ लिङ्गाष्टकम् ॥

ब्रह्म-मुरारि-सुरार्चित-लिङ्गं निर्मल-भासित-शोभित-लिङ्गम् ।
जन्मज-दुःख-विनाशक-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥१॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, Which is well-adorned by the praise with holy speeches and is radiant, and Which destroys the sorrows associated with birth (and human life).

देव-मुनि-प्रवरार्चित-लिङ्गं काम-दहन करुणाकर-लिङ्गम् ।
रावण-दर्प-विनाशन-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥२॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is worshipped by Devas (demi-gods) and the sages, Which burns (destroys) the desires, Which is compassionate, and Which destroyed the pride of Ravana (the demon king).

सर्व-सुगन्धि-सुलेपित-लिङ्गं बुद्धि-विवर्धन-कारण-लिङ्गम् ।
सिद्ध-सुरासुर-वन्दित-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥३॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is beautifully smeared with various fragrant pastes, Which is the cause behind the elevation of one's intelligence, and Which is worshipped by Siddhas (enlightened ones), Devas (demi-gods) and Asuras (demons).

कनक-महामणि-भूषित-लिङ्गं फणिपति-वेष्टित-शोभित-लिङ्गम् ।
दक्ष-सुयज्ञ-विनाशन-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥४॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is decorated with gold and other precious gems, Which is adorned with the king of serpents coiled around it, and Which destroyed Daksha's sacrifice.

कुङ्कुम-चन्दन-लेपित-लिङ्गं पङ्कज-हार-सुशोभित-लिङ्गम् ।
सञ्चित-पाप-विनाशन-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥५॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is anointed with saffron and sandal paste, Which is beautifully decorated with garlands of lotuses, and Which wipes out all the accumulated sins.

देवगणार्चित-सेवित-लिङ्गं भावैर्भक्तिभिरेव च लिङ्गम् ।
दिनकर-कोटि-प्रभाकर-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥६॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is worshipped and served by the group of Devas with the spirit of emotion, contemplation and devotion, and Which is effulgent like millions of Suns.

अष्ट-दलोपरि-वेष्टित-लिङ्गं सर्व-समुद्भव-कारण-लिङ्गम् ।
अष्ट-दरिद्र-विनाशित-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥७॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is surrounded by eight-petalled flowers, Which is the cause behind all creation, and Which destroys the eight-fold poverty.
[NOTE: The eight poverties are: 1. Lack of children, 2. Lack of valor, 3. Lack of victory, 4. Lack of wealth, 5. Lack of grandeur, 6. Lack of food, 7. Lack of auspiciousness, 8. Lack of grace of Sri Devi.]

सुरगुरु-सुरवर-पूजित-लिङ्गं सुरवन-पुष्प-सदार्चित-लिङ्गम् ।
परात्परं परमात्मक-लिङ्गं तत् प्रणमामि सदा-शिव-लिङ्गम् ॥८॥

I salute that eternal Shiva Lingam Which is worshipped by the preceptor (Guru) of the Devas (Lord Brihaspati) and the best of the Gods, Which is always worshipped by the flowers from the celestial garden, and Which is the eternal abode and the Ultimate truth.

लिङ्गाष्टकमिदं पुण्यं यः पठेत् शिवसन्निधौ ।
शिवलोकमवाप्नोति शिवेन सह मोदते ॥

Whoever recites this Lingashtakam (hymn consisting of eight stanzas in the praise of Shivalinga) in front of Shiva or Lingam, will attain the abode of Shiva and enjoy His bliss.

This is the original version of Lingashtakam. You may find that some texts do not match the words from the song. Know that, the texts written here is the correct and complete one. For easy reading, dash sign (-) is placed in the middle of texts, leaving space as it is. If you want the original format, just remove dash sign from all the verses.


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